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Eminence 2k19

The Commerce Fest- EMINENCE 2K19 was conducted by the Department of Commerce in association with the Commerce Association- Chriscom on 27th September 2019.
There were 7 events from various fields of business-like Human Resource, Finance, Marketing, Mad Ads, Best Manager, Entrepreneurship and Business Quiz. The tracks with various rounds were conducted in a well organised manner under the leadership of coordinators from UG and PG Commerce Students.
The Fest was inaugurated through a grand opening ceremony in which more than 75 students participated from all years of B.Com in a 10 minutes flash mob dancing in the rhythm of different cultures and Rev. Fr. Rinoj James, Principal declared the Fest open on 26th September 2019.
Students from the entire college witnessed the event. It was first flash mob conducted by the department.The entire students were encouraged to participate in any one event and the fest was coordinated by II M.Com students along with III B.Com students. The event culminated with the valedictory function in which the winners were recognised with certificates.
The final rounds of business quiz, entrepreneurship, crazy ads and best manager was performed in the auditorium and students from other departments were present as the audience for the same.
The valedictory function was presided over by Fr. Rinoj James, Principal, Christ College of Science and Management and Fr. Sebastian George, Principal, Christ PU College was also present to mark the occasion.The students put a lot of effort and dedication to take care of various aspects with precision and candidness.