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BA (Economics,Journalism, English Literature)
Program Overview
The Greek word 'Oiknomia' which means household management gave rise to the word "Economics".Economics is a discipline which flourished centuries ago. 'Adam Smith' the father of the subject gave a detailed explanation about economics in his work "An enquiry into the nature and wealth of Nations" of 1776 . The thought of subject is discussed from the classicals to the post-marxist economist and it is widely accepted by the world economies.Economics cannot survive by excluding the phenomena of growth and development of individuals as well as nations.This marks the subject matter of economics.It also helps to build up the integration among the regions,states and the nations.
The course aims at moulding the student for a career in Journalism, both print and broadcasting and in allied fields like Advertising, Film, and Public Relations. The course introduces various facets of journalism to the students with theoretical knowledge and on the job training. The course is a part of the four BA triple main combinations and consists of eight subject titles stretching all the semesters. The major papers include Reporting, Editing, Media Laws, Basic Audio-Visual Media and Media Management. Furthermore, the Department stresses a balance between the theoretical and practical elements of Journalism and Mass Communication, and the curriculum is carefully tailored to prepare students for professional or academic careers in communication, giving them the broad liberal arts education necessary to succeed as communicators in today's complex and changing world.
English Literature (Optional English)
English has been an integral part of various walks of life in India for centuries. One might even say that it has become inseparable from the essence of contemporary Indian culture. The study of language is a key to attain an understanding of the history of any age. The three-year English Literature course, also known as Optional English, offers students an opportunity to understand the literary, cultural and social dynamism of England's varied past, European and Non-European writing and integrates Indian writing in English facilitating a transcendence of linguistic nativism.
English has been an integral part of various walks of life in India for centuries. One might even say that it has become inseparable from the essence of contemporary Indian culture. The study of language is a key to attain an understanding of the history of any age. The three-year English Literature course, also known as Optional English, offers students an opportunity to understand the literary, cultural and social dynamism of England's varied past, European and Non-European writing and integrates Indian writing in English facilitating a transcendence of linguistic nativism.
Tamil BA will also allow the aspirants to educate themselves regarding the grammar and vocabulary aspects of the language. The course falls under the umbrella of the BA course and therefore follows a similar foundation of the study.
According to Wikipedia, “Tamil literature has a rich and long literary tradition spanning more than two thousand years. The oldest extant works show signs of maturity indicating an even longer period of evolution. Contributors to Tamil literature are mainly from Tamil people from South India.”
Eligibility Criteria
A student securing 40% aggregate marks including languages in P.U.C / 10 +2 / Pre-University equivalent course is eligible.